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The annual graduation is a pivotal moment for any academic institution, signifying the commencement of a fresh chapter and a new status. This new promotion joins the alumni community from previous years, who are already making their mark in the industries they work in. We invite you to share in their celebration by reading this article.

Presentation video from the ceremony, shows greetings message

If you happen to be a student or a parent reading these lines, graduation represents yet another milestone on the educational journey. Remember: Once a DigiPen Dragon, always a Dragon!

The Graduation Ceremony

On June 1, 2024, DigiPen Institute of Technology Europe-Bilbao celebrated its milestone 10th graduation ceremony. The event honored the achievements of students from the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation and Bachelor of Fine Arts in Digital Art and Animation programs.

The ceremony was a vibrant gathering, bringing together students, faculty, staff, and families to commemorate the accomplishments of the graduating class. Adorned in academic regalia, the graduates eagerly awaited their moment of recognition.

Ignacio de Otalora gives an overwhelming speech.

Ignacio de Otalora, managing director of DigiPen Europe-Bilbao, opened the ceremony with an inspiring speech, referencing the Year of the Dragon and drawing inspiration from this mythological creature, also the mascot of DigiPen, to convey messages of encouragement and support, while acknowledging the exceptional achievements of the new promotion. His words carried a tone of pride and served as motivation for everyone in attendance.

Naiara Espejo, head of the Mathematics, Physics, and Humanities Department, and Asier Azkarraga, from the Fine Arts and Animation Department, also shared encouraging words, seasoned with several anecdotes, much to the delight of the students from both programs and their families.

  • Student Iñigo Ojinaga speehces about gratitude and anecdotes from his college years
  • Student Leire Martínez giving a speech, representing BFA cohort

Representing their respective cohorts, Inigo Ojinaga (RTIS) and Leire Martínez (BFA) also took part, delivering heartfelt speeches full of gratitude. They reflected on the challenges overcome and offered words of encouragement for the future. Both speeches deeply resonated with those present, reminding us that this ceremony marks not only the end of an educational journey but also the beginning of new adventures and professional opportunities.

Awarding of Degrees

Individual graduates were called to the stage to receive their diplomas, symbolizing the culmination of their academic journey at DigiPen. As each name was announced, the air was filled with a sense of accomplishment and anticipation.

  • BFA graduates pose together showing themselves proud of the achievement
  • RTIS graduates smiling after receiving their diploma.

In addition to the formal proceedings, the ceremony included a showcase of the graduates’ work, highlighting their growth and achievements throughout their studies. The atmosphere was filled with music, cheers, and applause as attendees celebrated. The atmosphere was filled with music, cheers, and applause as the students fervently celebrated each image, video, and photo projected.

Catering and Socializing

Following the formalities, attendees enjoyed a festive catering, providing an opportunity for networking and celebration. Parents and students mingled with DigiPen Europe-Bilbao staff, reflecting on their experiences and looking ahead to the future.

  • RTIS graduates pose for a cohort picture.
  • BFA graduates posing at the photocall during the catering.

The graduation ceremony marked a significant milestone in the history of DigiPen Europe-Bilbao, celebrating a decade of academic excellence. As the graduates embarked on new journeys, they carried with them the knowledge and skills acquired during their time at DigiPen. The faculty and staff extended their best wishes to the graduates as they ventured into their careers, confident in their ability to make a positive impact in their chosen fields.

  • BFA graduates, together for the official picture, right at the end of ceremony.
  • RTIS graduates show happiness and relief at the official picture.
  • All graduates from both bachelors posing along with teachers and DigiPen staff for the official picture