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New on Campus


Abathor: DigiPen's Professor Jon Lopez de Dicastillo aids in Pow Pixel Games' first release

Discover Abathor, a 2D co-op action platformer developed by DigiPen’s CS and GAM professor. Defend Atlantis enjoying stunning pixel art and dynamic gameplay!


Valorant Student Tournament Held at DigiPen Europe-Bilbao

On July 12th, DigiPen Europe-Bilbao hosted a student-organized Valorant tournament, showcasing technical skills and teamwork, featuring live streaming of the tournament with a student caster.


Steam Spotlight: Four Games Developed by DigiPen Graduating Students

Discover the new four spotlights on Steam, by the hand of our graduating students at DigiPen: MouseVentures, Abyssal, Chrono Club and Slap That. Check them out now!

Social Media

    A creature with dragon and octopus characteristics hovers over a volcano with waves crashing on either side

    Our Students Do Amazing Work

    Student Showcase
    • 3 Global Campuses

      We are a global academic community with campuses in the U.S.A., Singapore, and Spain.

    • 800+ Awards and Honors

      DigiPen students have earned hundreds of honors and awards for their student games, films, and academic papers.

    • 2,000+ Games

      DigiPen alumni have helped ship more than 2,000 commercial game titles, including some of the most popular video games of all time.

    Learn More

    Speak with an Admissions Representative

    Want to learn more about DigiPen Europe-Bilbao? Fill out our information request form or contact us through WhatsApp, and one of our admissions representatives will promptly follow up with you by phone or email.