Our protagonists, a group of robots, were forced to flee their home due to a catastrophe, and ended up crashing on an unknown planet after a failure of their spaceship. The player now must defend themselves from hostile aliens, while building their base and exploring the land in search of needed resources.
Created by Bigotters
Sebastian Paas
BS in Computer Science in Real-time Interactive Simulation
Role: Producer, Designer, AI programmer
David Sánchez
BS in Computer Science in Real-time Interactive Simulation
Role: Gameplay and VFX programmer
Pedro Roman
BS in Computer Science in Real-time Interactive Simulation
Role: Gameplay and Engine Programmer
Guillermo Alejandro
BS in Computer Science in Real-time Interactive Simulation
Role: Designer, Gameplay programmer
Sergio Portilla
BS in Computer Science in Real-time Interactive Simulation
Role: Gameplay and Engine Programmer
Julio César
BS in Computer Science in Real-time Interactive Simulation
Role: Gameplay and UI programmer
June Asua
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Producer
Uxue Fernández
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Character artist
Ane Li Flores
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Character artist
Ivan Campos
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: VFX artist
Iker Dominguez
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Environment artist
Malen Pozo
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Environment artist
Amalia Martínez
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Environment artist
Borja Manso
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: UI artist
Lucas Pérez
BFA in Digital Art and Animation
Role: Level designer