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After retiring from Taekwondo, Edward discovered a new job where he could unexpectedly blend his martial arts skills with a unique position in a supermarket.

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Game Screenshots

  • Aerial view of a game level featuring small characters in a restaurant dining area.
  • A character standing next to boxes in a restaurant warehouse.
  • Character holding an apple in the work area of a restaurant.
  • Character collecting food in a wooden box in the preparation area.
  • Character holding a fish in an area with conveyor belts inside the restaurant.
  • Character in the restaurant's animal area, carrying a roasted chicken.

Created by POG

  • Andoni Zalaya

    BS in Computer Science in Real-time Interactive Simulation

    Role: Producer, Engine Programmer

  • Ander Fernandez

    BS in Computer Science in Real-time Interactive Simulation

    Role: Graphics, Gameplay Programmer

  • Josu Goitia

    BS in Computer Science in Real-time Interactive Simulation

    Role: Graphics

  • Ruben Peña

    BS in Computer Science in Real-time Interactive Simulation

    Role: Physics, General Programmer

  • Sergio Rodriguez

    BS in Computer Science in Real-time Interactive Simulation

    Role: Graphics

  • Mikel Ruiz

    BS in Computer Science in Real-time Interactive Simulation

    Role: Designer, Engine Programmer